Matthew Crouch
Real Estate Investment Professional
Today, Matthew Crouch is a real estate professional, a coordinator of capital, and a forward-thinking deal-maker, working to revolutionize the housing industry.
But he didn't start out working on multi-million-dollar deals.
Matt's story is one of hard-knocks, grit and determination, and divine inspiration. Bringing bold ideas to fruition and dreaming of a better world while maintaining a healthy return on investment dollars is a delicate balance, one very few try to maintain.


“Had I not trusted [Matt], I wouldn't have trusted my money with him...not only is he good at what he does, he has the highest of standards.”
- Josh Messmer

“Working with Matt is like working with a tornado. He never gets tired, he never stops...and whenever he does stop, there's a pile of money.”
- Jim & Sharon Taylor

“Basically, I stay out of the way. If I get involved, I get in the way...but he makes me money, and that is what it's all about.”